How to Overcome Behavior Setbacks in the Classroom

“The comeback is always bigger than the setback.”
Do these wise words sound familiar? I swear, my mentor teacher said them so often they are forever ingrained in my brain.
Success without setbacks is impossible. When you first stepped into the world of teaching, you may have been warned about classroom management and behavior in class.
The time has come to overcome those behavior and management setbacks after all.
Read on to learn how you can master classroom management and connect with your students unlike ever before.
#1. Understand What Led to the Incident
Behavior and lack of connection in the classroom doesn’t appear out of thin air.
Life has a sense of humor and likes to kick us down when we are already struggling, but chances are if you take stock of what is really going on in your classroom and with your students, you will see the warning signs.
Getting to the bottom of your classroom's behavior challenges takes time and effort, yes, but it’s so worth it when you’re able to really understand your students and what is causing them to act out.
Hindsight is 20/20, but with a little bit of work, you can make sure the behavior patterns of the past do not influence the entire course of the school year in your classroom.
If you are not sure what you could be doing wrong, it’s okay. I have felt that too, before. Check out this blog covering the Top 5 Classroom Management Mistakes I see - it may help!
#2. Converting Chaos to Calm with Classroom Management
Is the lack of effective classroom or behavior management having a broader effect on the way you present yourself to your classroom, or even your personal life because of the stress of your everyday work life?
Don't be discouraged. No, seriously, we have all been there and understand the impact that the behavior of your classroom has on your mental and emotional well-being.
You can have the power and ability to not allow it to stay this way and really have your classroom take a turn for the better, no matter what part of the school year you may be in.
Top Tip: Take care of yourself, too. Once you have found the patterns and triggers that may be causing chaos, also take time to identify what upsets you or causes you to spiral in your classroom. We want to eliminate those things, too!
Take it from someone who has completely changed the trajectory of their classroom mid-school year. Allowing yourself to give up now is only hurting yourself and your classroom. You’ve got this! With a little bit of work, and accepting the help you need, we will get your behavior management back to a place where you feel confident and in control soon!
If you lead with heart and calm the chaos, you can win back your classroom authority. What do you have to lose?
Read this blog of mine for tips on how to do this if you need more specific direction >>> Click here to read How to Convert Your Class from Chaos to Calm with Classroom Management
#3. Accept Support - All teachers need it!
I know you don’t like asking for help. What teacher does, right? But when we do this, really we’re only hurting ourselves and limiting the heights we can reach in our classroom.
Instead, if you accept the help that I, and the people around you, want to give you, you will feel way more supported, get feedback from people who have been where you are right now, and feel relieved that you’re not alone.
I have so many resources that I have created to help you with not only behavior management, but many other classroom management practices surrounding my two greatest passions: movement-based learning and social-emotional development. :)
One place I always recommend my Heart-Centered Teacher students to start is understanding their own classroom management style. Click here to learn more and figure out your own style! This was such a game changer for me when I started teaching.
#4. Future Planning and Protocols
Now that you know how to identify what is causing chaos, how to bring a sense of calm, and realize the power of accepting help, it is time to leave the setbacks behind you and create a classroom like the expert teacher you are!
Remember: Behavior management challenges are common, and you are not a bad teacher just because you are struggling. All you can control is how you deal with future behavior challenges and how you respond when they arise (because behavior is inevitable, right?).
I created my Heart-Centered Toolkits to speak to this ONE problem because so many teachers (including myself at one point!) need support and direction when creating a safe, productive, heart-centered classroom. If you want to learn more about it, click here!
With these toolkits, you are leaps and bounds closer to the classroom you have always wanted. Adopting a heart-centered approach completely transformed my classroom behaviors, and I’m confident it will do the same for you.
#5. Act, Don't React
Did your mom tell you that one, too? Don't roll your eyes at me! You know we're both right.
Action is the mother of classroom excellence. If you haven't been taught about heart-centered teaching, let me tell you a little more about it. As teachers, it is crucial we are providing students with the skills to make healthy decisions about behavior and relationships in and out of the classroom.
A heart-centered classroom has a strong classroom management system. It is rooted in social and emotional development. In a heart-centered classroom, your students will display character traits such as compassion, empathy, and resilience. Every classroom should have heart at its core. I go into more depth about it in this blog post, if you want to check it out!
Reaction puts you back in the headspace of reacting instead of leading. Heart-centered teaching keeps you in the leader seat while your students feel seen and understood as they follow your lead.
Want a freebie to help you with this step? You've got this! My downloadable bootcamp will help you set clear expectations surrounding behavior to provide a foundation for a positive, consistent, heart-centered learning environment.
>>> Click here to download Back to Basics Behavior Bootcamp now
How can The Active Educator help you overcome classroom and behavior management setbacks?
Are you still flailing a little or want just a bit more help to get you back on your feet after the setbacks you are feeling inside of your class?
No problem! You did see the Back to Basics Behavior Bootcamp above, right? We worked super hard on the bootcamp and want to make sure you get the most out of your heart-centered classroom with it!
At The Active Educator, we pride ourselves on offering educators meaningful management practices through movement-based learning and social-emotional development.
That means you don't have to navigate hard years or classroom management setbacks alone. That's what we're here for.
If you want to join the community and work with me, Andriana, directly while you build your heart-centered classroom, I have exactly what you need! Our Heart-Centered Classroom Toolkits are game changers. We only bring in new students a few times a year. Click here to join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open doors!
And did you see our post on Three Reasons You Need to Prioritize Heart-Centered Teaching This Year? It’s all about classroom management, heart-centered teaching and how it can change your classroom as a teacher. We'd love to hear what you think of it!