Top 5 End of Year Myths Every New Teacher Needs to Know

You probably feel more like a veteran teacher than a new teacher at this point in the school year considering everything you’ve had to handle, learn, and overcome. But there’s one thing coming up that you haven’t dealt with yet – the end of a school year.
While the end of the year means summer – and a well-deserved break – there are still a few weeks or months before you get there.
Today we’re diving into the top 5 end of year myths every new teacher needs to know, so you can feel like an experienced pro walking into this unique season.
What do new teachers need to know about the end of the school year?
Are you dreaming of the end of the year, yet? While summer is just around the corner, you need to get through this final stretch first.
Let’s talk about the 5 most common myths first-year teachers need to know about so you can have an enjoyable, peaceful end to your first school year:
- You have to wrap up your year perfectly
- Students are wild at the end of the year
- It’s too late to teach anything new
- The “summer slide” is unavoidable
- The end of the year is just for fun
Surprised by any of these myths? We’ll discuss each one in detail and help you avoid any unnecessary mistakes or struggles.
Myth #1: You have to wrap up your year perfectly
As a first-year teacher, the end of the school year can feel impossibly daunting if you think you have to perfectly tie up every loose end before your last day in the classroom.
The truth? Some things just won’t get done.
That extra lesson you wanted to teach about a key math skill? It won’t happen.
That really cute Pinterest activity you wanted to complete? It will stay sitting on your shelf.
And that’s okay!
You don’t have to hit every single tiny goal you set for your class, and you don’t have to give your students a picture-perfect summer send-off.
It’s more important that you’re present, engaged, and supportive during those last few weeks so students feel like they have a consistent experience in your classroom.
Don’t worry about the small details that don’t get tied off – there’s always next year!
Myth #2: Students are wild at the end of the year
When you think of “end of the year” students, do you imagine kids bouncing off the walls, yelling, and throwing things?
While kids do sometimes have more restless energy as the weather warms up and the summer approaches, they don’t automatically turn into wild monsters.
You want to continue setting and holding the same high expectations you have all year. Your students crave consistency, and they want to enjoy these last few weeks, so clear behavior expectations and enforcement is in everyone’s best interest.
One thing you can do to help students manage the extra wiggles? Add more movement into your learning! Get kids up and out of their seats as much as possible – channeling their energy into focused learning and growth.
Click here to check out some of our best-selling movement-based learning resources! (Our personal favorite this time of year in Kindergarten is our Active Segmenting and Blending slides)!
Myth #3: It’s too late to teach anything new
Even though it feels like it’s almost summer – it’s not quite time for a break yet. That means there is still learning to be done!
While the end of the year is the perfect time to review past material and reinforce concepts you’ve already mastered, it’s also key to continue introducing new material.
Look at where your students have thrived throughout the year and find extension opportunities. If they really enjoyed a unit on fractions, look at the next year’s standards and see how you can push their learning to the next level. If your class loves learning about nature, find ways to incorporate a nature theme into other lessons or topics.
You don’t have to turn the new learning off as soon as you feel summer approaching. These are some of your best weeks with your students. They clearly understand their classroom expectations and routines, they are firmly settled in the classroom, and everyone is connecting and working better together than ever. Take advantage of all the hard work you’ve put in and see how well your students can master new learning at this point in the year!
Myth #4: The “summer slide” is unavoidable
Some teachers believe that all students experience a decline in their skills over the summer and there’s nothing that can be done about it. But we don’t believe that’s true.
Reviewing and reinforcing concepts your students have mastered is a great way to solidify their learning before they take the summer off. You can help students remember skills they may have forgotten and extend their knowledge of skills they are comfortable with.
You can also help your students avoid the worst of the summer slide by setting them up with engaging work to do over the summer.
The goal isn’t to turn their summer into a working break, but to give them some fun, engaging activities that encourage them to use their brains and read!
Creating a classroom summer reading challenge is a great way to combat the summer slide. You can create a fun chart or calendar for students to track their reading on and even offer incentives for students who bring them back after the break.
Yes, some students will take a small step back during the summer, but with proper review, reinforcement, and summer practice, you can help keep the slide to a minimum.
Myth #5: The end of the year is just for fun
There are so many fun activities and experiences that happen in the last few weeks of school. But students also need a clear, comprehensive “close” to their year.
You have all put in a lot of effort, and that deserves to be recognized and celebrated!
As a class, take some time to reflect on your year together. Talk about challenges you’ve overcome, goals you’ve reached, and the progress you’ve made. Use the end of the year to help your students see just how far they’ve come – and celebrate!
Talk about the transition to the next grade, give students space to ask any questions about next year, and set some goals together for the summer. This end of year period can be a positive, helpful experience for you and your students.
Don’t buy into these 5 myths
Knowing the truth of these 5 common end of year myths will help every new teacher finish strong and feel like a pro.
The end of the school year is a unique, sometimes hectic season, but you’re prepared to make the most of it and enjoy these last few weeks with your students!
Need some last-minute classroom management help?
You’re not reinventing the wheel, but you can revamp your classroom management in a few easy steps! Download this free resource and put it to work now for a more enjoyable end of year experience.
Click here to download my FREE Back to Basics Behavior Bootcamp now >>
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