What is the perfect formula for your ideal teaching experience as a new teacher?

classroom community classroom routines elementary classroom elementary teacher first grade teacher kindergarten teacher second grade teacher teacher organization teacher tips

Becoming a teacher can be an extremely overwhelming and a daunting task. You’ve never done it before, so of course it’s going to be a little scary when you’re first getting started! 

We get stuck wondering things like, “Am I cut out for this?”, “Will I be able to handle the stress of it all?” or “How do I know where to begin?”

When you’re unsure where to start, it can be extremely overwhelming.  

Give yourself space to breathe, there’s a formula that can walk you through your ideal teaching experience and I’m here to help.

In this post, I’ll define how you can have your ideal teaching experience and provide 3 key steps to walk through as you start your career. I hope that this will give you a roadmap so you can get started with your teaching career on the right foot and you feel confident stepping into your position. 

What is the perfect way to start your teaching career?

Keeping things simple is going to be your best friend as a new teacher.

When you can identify 2-3 focus areas for the school year, you will avoid overwhelm and burn-out. As a new teacher, you need to protect your energy because there is just so much to learn right away.

In other words:

You will need to figure out what areas of teaching you want to focus on for that school year and stick to them.

The added benefit is that you will master your focus areas, while staying clear of burn-out. You are the best version of yourself and the best teacher you can be for your students.

1. Select Your Areas for the Year

The first step is selecting your 2-3 areas. A few ideas are classroom organization, classroom management, and lesson planning. 

Once you have your 2-3 focus areas, you can begin to build off of that and locate resources or mentors to provide support in those areas.  

This is a crucial component because you are putting your focus into things that actually matter and keeping you track for your ideal teaching experience.

Many people who are new to teaching just jump right in and expect to be perfect at everything. The reality is that you are new to this. Your schooling unfortunately only prepared you to a certain degree, you will learn so much by actually doing it. You have to give yourself grace to accept that you will make mistakes and not know everything your first few years. 

The good news is, when you can choose these 2-3 focus points, you are setting yourself up to be really good at them. Eventually you will master these topics and then you can move on to more. 

When you get started here, you’re really protecting yourself from being too overwhelmed by it all and preventing burn-out. 

2. Implementing Your Areas Into Your Daily Routine

From here, it’s time to build a daily schedule that feels good for you in accomplishing your daily tasks while working towards your 2-3 focus areas. 

For example, figuring out what time of day you do your best work - is it in the mornings before students arrive? In the evenings once they leave? Do you want to optimize your work time during your prep time and not have to come in early or stay late? Pick an option and see how it feels. 

Without scheduling in time, it can be difficult to actually find time to get things done. Setting time aside and making it routine is guaranteeing that you are accomplishing what you want to accomplish.

A really useful tool is setting these times aside and then setting a timer. Then with no distractions, you work on those things. This allows you to get those things done while also optimizing time for any other tasks on your plate. 

3. Make Balance a Habit, Now

It’s impossible to get all the work you have to get done, done in a day - we could be at school forever. That is only going to leave us with burnout and overwhelm and ultimately resentment towards our jobs, students, and beyond when we are not caring for ourselves. This is why we need to learn the importance of balance, now. 

 It is extremely important that early on in your career you learn how to set boundaries and rate tasks by importance/level of urgency. What things have to get done and what things can wait until tomorrow morning?

Here’s where you’ll really start to enjoy your job. When you can understand how to create healthy work-life balance and the importance of boundaries and balance. 


Of course, there are some days that tasks will take more time than you would like. The key is just not falling into a routine of this and learning to seize every opportunity during the day to get work done so you’re not staying hours upon hours after your students go home. 


Here are some practical ways to set boundaries and maintain balance:

  1. Set Clear Work Hours:
    Establish specific start and end times for your workday. Communicate these hours to colleagues, students, and parents. Stick to your schedule as much as possible to create a routine.

  2. Designate Planning Time:
    Allocate specific time during the week for lesson planning, grading, and administrative tasks. This helps prevent work from spilling into personal time.

  3. Create a Dedicated Workspace:
    Designate a specific area at home for work-related activities. Having a separate workspace helps mentally compartmentalize work and personal life.

  4. Learn to Say "No":
    Recognize your limits and don't be afraid to decline additional tasks or commitments when you are already stretched thin. Prioritize tasks and focus on what's essential.

  5. Establish Communication Boundaries:
    Clearly communicate when you are available for meetings, emails, and other work-related communication. Set boundaries for responding to emails outside of work hours to avoid constant accessibility.

  6. Utilize Technology Mindfully:
    Turn off non-essential notifications on your devices during personal time. Consider using tools like "Do Not Disturb" mode to limit interruptions.

  7. Delegate When Possible:
    If you have the support, delegate tasks or responsibilities when appropriate. Collaborate with colleagues, teaching assistants, or students to share the workload.

  8. Take Breaks:
    Schedule regular breaks during the workday to recharge. Use this time to step away from your workspace, stretch, and relax. Breaks can enhance productivity and well-being.

  9. Set Personal Goals:
    Establish personal goals for work-life balance and prioritize self-care. This could include spending time with family, pursuing hobbies, or engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

  10. Schedule "Me Time":
    Dedicate specific time each week for self-care activities. Whether it's reading a book, exercising, or practicing a hobby, make sure to prioritize activities that contribute to your well-being.

  11. Educate Others About Your Boundaries:
    Communicate your boundaries to colleagues, administrators, students, and parents. When others understand your limits, they are more likely to respect them.

  12. Reflect and Adjust:
    Regularly assess your work-life balance. If you notice that boundaries are being compromised, take the time to reflect and make necessary adjustments to maintain a healthy balance.

  13. Seek Support:
    Connect with colleagues who may be facing similar challenges. Share experiences and strategies for maintaining work-life balance. Seek support from friends, family, or mentors.

Once you can implement these things and truly understand balance, you are well on your way to your ideal teaching experience. 

Putting it All Together for Your Perfect New Teaching Experience

There you have it! The 3 components of your perfect new teaching experience. 

It may sound like a lot, but like most things practice makes perfect. Teaching is a beautiful career that takes time to really get into the routine of. Give yourself grace and space to not be perfect. With these 3 steps, you will be well on your way to feeling good at teaching and balancing everything on your plate!

What’s next? Download The Active Educator Shopping Guide

If you need help getting started, my freebie, The Active Educator Shopping Guide, will help you find the resources that will best fit the needs of you and your students. 

Click here to download The Active Educator Shopping Guide now >> 


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