When is the Best Time to Address Classroom Behavior? behavior management classroom expectations classroom management heart centered classroom

Learning how to confidently handle behavior in your classroom is one of the most important skills a teacher can develop.

Behavior challenges – not following directions , using unkind words and language, work refusal – can keep your entire class from learning, connecting, and enjoying being at schoo...

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How to Incorporate Heart-Centered Teaching in Five Steps behavior management classroom management heart centered classroom social emotional learning

You want to be the best teacher you can be for your students. 

You care about your students and you want them to succeed in your classroom and in their personal lives. 

You want to create a warm, welcoming classroom environment that your students look forward to coming to every day. 

You may have...

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What is Heart-Centered Teaching? behavior management elementary classroom heart centered classroom social emotional learning

You want to be the best teacher you can be for your students. 

You care about your students and you want them to succeed in your classroom and in their personal lives. 

You want to create a warm, welcoming classroom environment that your students look forward to coming to every day. 

But there is...

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How to Overcome Behavior Setbacks in the Classroom behavior management classroom management elementary classroom heart centered classroom


“The comeback is always bigger than the setback.”

Do these wise words sound familiar? I swear, my mentor teacher said them so often they are forever ingrained in my brain. 

Success without setbacks is impossible. When you first stepped into the world of teaching, you may have been warned about ...

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