4 Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back From Loving Your Class elementary classroom elementary teacher first grade first grade teacher kindergarten teacher second grade teacher teacher tips

A constant thing I see in fellow teachers and something I had to overcome is a lack of confidence when it comes to having authority in the classroom. 

We get stuck thinking things like, “Am I cut out for this?”, “Will they ever listen to me?”or just negative thoughts about yourself and your student...

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Ultimate Guide to the End of the Calendar Year for Elementary Teachers classroom management elementary teacher end of the year first grade teacher kindergarten teacher second grade teacher teacher tips

So the end of the calendar is here, it was a little chaotic, and you are ready for a BREAK… How do you end strong before checking out? 

We get stuck wondering things like, “What should I prepare for the new year?” or “How long should I work until I check out?” and even “How can I get space to reall...

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Top 5 Myths Every New Teacher Needs to Know classroom community classroom management classroom routines elementary classroom end of the year first grade kindergarten second grade teacher organization teacher tips

Starting a career in teaching can be both exciting and challenging. There are expectations we have as we are starting our teaching careers that may not be true. These mindsets and misconceptions may hold you back from being the leader in the classroom you want to be. 

It is normal to get stuck wond...

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Achievable Lesson Plan for Last Week of Class with Kindergartners classroom community classroom management classroom routines elementary teacher end of the year kindergarten kindergarten teacher

The last week of class with kindergartners can be chaotic as they can feel the semester coming to an end. With Christmas or summer being around the corner, it can make it difficult to engage them and keep their attention. 

We get stuck wondering things like, “How can I keep their attention this las...

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