Three Ways to Set the Tone in Kindergarten for an Amazing Year

We have so many goals and achievements we want our students to accomplish each school year! Sometimes we can get so caught up in the content that we forget about one of the most important focuses at the beginning of each school year: setting the tone. The tone of your classroom is the way your stude...

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Three Movement-Based Activities that Teach Early Math Skills movement-based learning

Math and movement? Sign us up, please! There are many early math skills to teach our little learners including recognizing numbers, counting forwards and backwards, understanding shapes, sizes, and patterns, and so much more! If you have been wanting your students to make deeper connections and gras...

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Why Classroom Behavior is So Important classroom management

Let’s check-in teachers: how are you doing? I know this is that time of year when you are counting down the days until break. If this has been a year for you already, I don’t want you to feel like all hope is lost. There still is time to take back control of your classroom while also giving your stu...

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